PACP is pleased to offer the following awards and recognition for its members:
The Keystone Award was established in 1963 to recognize outstanding service in, and contributions to, the profession of chamber management in Pennsylvania. It is the highest honor bestowed by PACP. It is not presented on an annual basis, but only at such times as an individual has merited such recognition.
PACP is proud to recognize chambers within the state achieving organizational excellence. In addition to recognizing organization excellence, the Chamber of the Year Award primarily focuses on acknowledging one or more significant achievements/accomplishments that a chamber has initiated, stimulated, and/or led in its respective service area at some point during the past 18 months. Organizational excellence is evaluated in each of the areas of membership, programs, planning, and finance.
PACP is pleased to present a certification program for chamber professionals in our state. The program is designed to recognize leadership and managerial excellence among Pennsylvania’s chamber professionals, commitment to continued professional growth and development, dedication to the chamber profession, and demonstrated leadership in state, regional, and national chamber professional organizations. The program will assess a candidate’s qualifications in the areas of:
The PACP Accredited Chamber program is designed to establish a standard of organizational competency and an objective set of criteria for assessment. The achievement of standards by PACP members as determined by an examining committee will be awarded with Accreditation credentials. The program is 100% voluntary, and any current PACP member Chamber of Commerce may apply.
Each year PACP will award a Certificate of Service in recognition to members upon each five years of service in the chamber of commerce industry. These awards are presented annually at the PACP Chamber Professionals and Leadership Conference. If you are celebrating a five-year incremental anniversary in 2023, you may apply for this award.
PACP is pleased to provide the opportunity for members to apply for scholarships each year for professional development. All PACP Chamber Members in good standing are encouraged to apply.
Please contact Tiffany Fulmer Ott at 404-312-0524 or tfulmer@ to receive the current application for each program.